Thursday, November 15, 2012

Open Blog on Delivery and Style

Ok, so I know I have been apologizing for delaying some of these open blog posts, but I hope you all can bear through it. I thought I wrote a open blog on this blogging assignment, but apparently I didn't. Well, this blogging assignment was definitely interesting and also very useful because I got to learn so much not just through one source, but three! This blogging assignment gave me the opportunity to learn about Supply Chain Management through a scholarly article, a trade journal, and a blog post. Some aspects that all three of these sources have in common are that they both emphasize the importance of the social media, communications, personal relationships,  and being a "go-getter" and how all these aspects affect your chances of getting a job not only in the Supply Chain field, but also in any other business profession. Although each source had a different styles and purposes, they all were very informative and influential in demonstrating the fundamental aspects of what Supply Chain Management is all about. Like I said earlier, the importance of social skills and communication was emphasized a lot through these sources and it discusses how strong and confident social skills can place employees in higher positions in the Supply Chain Companies. From this blogging post, I realized that it is very important to learn about a topic from various sources, not just the same type of source all the time. It can definitely broaden your perspective on a particular topic if you study from various sources. From here on, I will try and study Supply Chain Management through books, trade journals, scholarly articles, youtube videos, and even through our own prestigious Supply Chain program here at Michigan State University.

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