Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Arguments in Supply Chain Management(Open Blog)

I didn't realize that every profession has its own set of conflicts, problems, issues, and arguments. The professions that I thought would deal with a lot of arguments is doctors, engineers, lawyers, and politicians. Never did I think that the field of business, in particular, Supply Chain Management, would deal with arguments. I always thought business was about negotiations and I always thought that Supply Chain Management was all about planning, managing, and executing and done so very easily and simply. However, after doing research on argumentative topics in the field of supply chain management, particularly research on supplier and demand relationships, I found there to be a lot of arguments and different perspectives on how to deal with and go about different ethics in Supply Chain Management. It is important to deal and comply with these ethics such as Supplier and Demand Relationships. However, some believe that these ethics are not important in the business world and shouldn't be given so much importance. Many ARGUE that without important ethics, most supply chains will not be able to perform sufficiently and as a result will not be able to meet the customer's needs. It is important to meet the customer's demands in order for the supply chain companies to prosper and produce more and more products so they can be distributed to the right places and eventually being purchased by the customers. In order for all of this to happen, disciplined and principled ethics must be put in place in order for supply chain companies. Those who ARGUE for strong ethics in supply chain companies know how important ethics, negotiations, and different arguments and perspectives are important in the business world, particularly Supply Chain Management. From this blogging post, I realized that every profession is not that simple and entails a lot of complexities that can sometimes be even arguable. I will continue to learn more about the complexities in Supply Chain Management. I know there are a lot!

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