Sunday, September 23, 2012

Open Blog Post on the Interview with Ramya

So last night I was at Ramya's house for dinner. I had the opportunity to sit down with her and ask her some of my questions. Her responses were all helpful in my search of more knowledge of supply chain management. Besides responding to my interview questions, she talked more about the supply chain professors at MSU, how to be involved at MSU Supply Chain Association, and how to approach companies at the career fair. To me, one of the best answers I got out of her was how she defined supply chain. It made way more sense compared to the complex books I have been reading and the articles I have been reading too. She also told me about some of the best professors who teach Supply Chain at MSU. She suggested to email them and get more information about supply chain management and also to show them that I care about getting ahead and being successful in getting teacher recommendations for jobs and internships. Ramya's brother, Rajeev, also studied Supply Chain Management and graduated last May. He works for Amazon in Seattle and he also gave me some advice regarding classes and internships. Some aspects of Supply Chain Management that I learned from both Ramya and Rajeev is that it is such a unique style and piece of business. It deals with more with logical thinking and practical planning than any other business field. Also, I learned that in order to be a successful supply chain manager, you must be a go-getter, take risks, and put yourself out there to show that you want to achieve and accomplish something. From blogging today and my interviews with both Ramya and Rajeev, I learned that in order to be successful, you must be committed, dedicated, and passionate about what you do, otherwise you wont be successful and most importantly happy with your career choice. I could easily tell that both Rajeev and Ramya were interested and passionate about Supply Chain Management and the business profession in general. Overall, my experiences with the both of them were very helpful and I definitely know that if I have any questions, I will be able to go to them!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you were able to get all of your questions answered from the interview and even get a better answer to a question that you weren't anticipating! Supply Chain Management sounds interesting and I hope the clubs and people you talk to can help you develop your future in this career. Goodluck! And good writing too! I like how you mentioned they both helped you out in more ways then you thought they could!
