Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why MSU? Why Supply Chain Mgt.?- Free Topic Blog(1)

Well, there are mean reason why I chose Supply Chain Management as a major here at Michigan State University. Supply Chain Management is one of the best business majors at this university. It is a popular major here and a good major for getting a nice, stable job right after the graduation. My whole life I was always wanted a sense of security especially through my academic career. When I heard about Supply Chain Management, I was interested to know about this popular major rapidly growing here at MSU. I did a lot of research on it, talked to family friends and cousins who pursued the same major, read articles and journals, and talked to people currently in the profession. They all responded with positive messages and suggestions about the major and how you can do so much with the major. But I questioned and doubted myself. Why do something that is just good and that everyone says you should? Shouldn't you be passionate about what you want to do? So, that is what I did. I became passionate about Supply Chain and the profession.  I read more and more about the profession and major, and even took use of all the opportunities that MSU has to offer through promoting Supply Chain. I hope to be part of the MSUSCMA club here, get great internships in the upcoming summers, and hopefully at the end of my four years at MSU, find a great job through one of the best companies in the country that offer jobs to Supply Chain Majors. Also watching couple of videos on youtube made me understand a lot more about Supply Chain Management, then reading articles and journals about Supply Chain. These videos basically emphasized the importance of Supply Chain Management and how it is an important business major. They emphasized the importance of manufacturing, logistics, distributing, strategizing, and most importantly logistics. Through my blogging today and through the lecture(video), I learned that Supply Chain Management is a complex business field that requires a lot of research and study on it. Mastering the content of Supply Chain and developing a good understanding of it can eventually get you into some of the best companies in the country such as Microsoft, Proctor and Gamble, Amazon, Accenture, and Cap Gemini.

Works Cited 
"Http://" Arizona State University's Twelve-part Introduction to Supply Chain Management Video Series. Arizona State University, Metro      
Phoenix. 2010. Lecture.


  1. I'm very glad to have found another person that is not only the same major, but as energetic and excited about Supply Chain Management as me. It was very interesting to read about what inspired you to move towards the degree and comparing those to my inspirations and seeing how similar they both are. We both did a lot of research coming into Michigan State about the major and that with a degree in SCM it has the chance set us up for a successful future. I have always wanted to go to MSU and have bled green and white since birth. Finding out that State had THE number one school for SCM is what sold me on the major. I am excited to read more posts of yours and will be looking for them.

  2. That is awesome that you have found a major that you not only love, but one that will guarantee a job out of college. I am EXTREMELY jealous of you because I am quite skeptical about my chosen major (marketing)because I keep finding others that I am interested in, such as SCM. I'm excited to keep reading your blog to find out more about SCM and figure out if it is something I would like to go into.

  3. It's great to know how passionate you are about your major. That only shows that once you land your dream job, you'll be one of the happiest person alive. I also like how much research you did on this major. This was not a out of the blue major you picked. I think everyone should research their major as you did. This would give vital information that some people dont know about their major.
    Great writing!

  4. You seem to be very passionate and following your dreams which is great in not only making a job your career but getting what you want out of life. You seem like you are a person who likes to know what to expect from life and it showed in all of your research.
